Jan 25, 2016

The Planet Ekkunar: Homeworld of Battleborn's Eldrid


The planet Ekkunar is striking for two reasons.

First, it’s the last large green planet in the Battleborn universe. Most of the planet consists of abundant organic life, occasionally fading into arid savannah. Very little of the planet consists of desert or polar caps, and large diverse vegetation covers most of the planet. 

Second – and most notable – the shattered planet defies all scientific explanation. Some cataclysm fractured the planet several thousand years ago...and yet, somehow, it still stays together.

Check out this awesome poster art that explains Ekkunar's siginificant features, but head over to the Battleborn blog for additional concept art and background on why this planet is so significant to the Eldrid.


(You can download this awesome Battleborn poster from battleborn.com/en/media/downloads/)